It is the policy of the Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office to provide equal employment opportunity within the Agency for all persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, marital status or disability; and to provide the full utilization of all incumbent employees of the county. The Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office will follow this policy in recruitment, hiring, promotion into all classifications, compensation, benefits, transfers, assignments, tours of duty, shifts, demotions, terminations and training. It is not the intent of this policy to permit or require the lowering of bona fide job requirements or qualification standards to give preference to any employee or applicant for employment; however we will take positive affirmative measures in accordance with the prevailing Federal and state law to recruit minorities, females and persons with disabilities to all levels in the Sheriff’s Office. Any person with information that the provisions of this section have been violated shall immediately notify the Sheriff and or County Attorney in writing of such violation.
The effective date of the Equal Opportunity Plan is October 07, 2013
Gary R. Sisk, Sheriff Date: October 07, 2013
A comparison of the general population of Catoosa County as related to the agency workforce reflects the following analysis. The agency has an under representation of women and minorities in the sworn patrol functions. This is due in part to the small percentage of minority in the population (3.7%). Although the minority population is very small in the county, the agency would welcome the opportunity to increase representaiton of minorities in this area. Another area of concern is the women in the ranks of sworn officers (4.3%). The agency would welcome the opportunity to increase the representation of women in this area.
It is the Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office ambition to have its workforce a reflection of that of the community to which it serves. Based on the utilization analysis, the Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office has established the following objectives:
Since minority males and females, as well as white females, are under represented in most categories, it is our goal to increase representation by evaluating our promotional and recruitment practices to insure that all are receiving equal opportunity and notice of available employment opportunities. The Catoosa County Sheriff’s Office will increase recruitment efforts to insure the target areas are addressed.
Historically, women and minorities have not applied in large numbers for positions within the Agency. It is hoped that by continuing to target these applicants through all forms of media and through talking with area leaders, that more women and minorities will wish to apply. In addition, the following steps will be taken:
1. Continue to provide opportunities for employees in all classifications to upgrade their skills and improve their career through the agency’s training programs.
2. Provide EEO training to supervisors and management staff on EEO policies.
3. Advertise job opportunities in local newspapers.
4. Target recruiting patrol officers who are being laid off from other agencies.
5. Increase attendance at job fairs which target women and minorities.
6. Increase advertising of open positions with unemployment office and organizations having effective contact with minority groups and females.
1. Continue to include the Equal Opportunity Employer statement on all applications and postings.
2. Post the EEOP plan of the Agency website.
3. Inform recruiting sources of the EEO plan and commitment.
1. Meet with all supervisory staff to ensure they are familiar with the EEO objectives, and continue to review them, the sources of recruitment, and seek opinions of new targets.
2. Make all personnel aware of the EEO plan and where it is available for review.
3. We will inform all new employees about the EEO plan and how they may obtain a copy.